4 more days!!
Firstly, congrats to my cousin for getting married today. ^^ And secondly, happy birthday to Tj. sry cant attend your party. Anyway, today woke up had tuition and rushed to the tea ceremony. We witness the tea ceremony, chatted and left for home. Later at 3, my mom fetched me to Amk hub to meet andre and TJ. Then went off to yishun to meet Joyce.
Joyce was late... after she reached, we took the shuttle bus to Orchid country club. But when we reached there no more bowling lanes. Then we went over to yishun safra to play bowling! Damn i was the noobest la. Joyce trashed all of us... she got 2 strikes sia. not bad leh... When it was the last round. TJ and andre strike the last bowl and in the end i was the onli one without a strike. fook! And my middle finger was pain for no reasons.
Then we bid farewell to joyce outside yishun safra and cabbed down to hub. We met Ericia ,Adeline and Gloria then we took 73. i went home they went to TJ house to play... I went home. changed and went for swiss hotel. When we reached the hotel, the car park was dman full la. it took my mother 15 mins to park the car. Damn man. We went up chatted with relatives outside the ballroom for awhile then we went in. The ballroom was huge and nice! very grand... we got in waited for the groom and bride untill 8 plus. They done their solumnization.But during the ceremony one group of people were soo loud.knn. rude leh... Then after that, dinner was served.
We ate alot of nice stuffs bloody hell the abalone is freakin huge la. shiok ar. I ate 2 sia. We ate for another one hour then it was already 11 then we took the flowers from the decorations and brought it home. haha! We took some family photo and went home. Reached home about 12 sia. soo late but fun leh... haha i think i will post the photos later i need my slp. my eyes are closing. damn.... lols
Saturday, February 28, 2009
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White horse
Woke up went school. First period was EL. Then was PE. played rounders and won 3 consecutive games. woo. Had recess and went back to EL. Chiong-ed letter writing and then went for chinese. Chinese was damn boring so i fold roses and gave to everyone to kill time. Next, went to poa. done trail balance. Went to EM, done inequality equations.
After school, met up with TJ,Hui Xuan, Hui Ling, Joyce and Joling. Met Gloria, Went to food court to buy guava then went back down to pepper lunch and chatted. Joling made TJ went in circles for about 10 over times la. pro stuff... Then met up with Adeline and hui ru, went to eat pepper lunch chatted and slacked till about 4 30 then went to B1 to look at sweater, shoes and sport stuffs.
Went to NTUC to see see look look. Stupid TJ kept looking at children shows. Lame idiot sia. then he cover his face with his shirt and ran all around and went back to the same spot to see his show again. Super funny. Stupid idiot. HAHAHA!!! Went to the make-up section and took some skin toner and rub against TJ face!! hahaha Then later did the same to Adeline. hahaha!
Bidded farewell to them and headed home. Bathed and changed and went to tuition. After tuition went home. Tomorrow got Plus one test sia!!! plus i havent hand up mrs yap homework.... i am soo gonna die la... T.T Gotta study soon.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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Short hair...
Today woke up, mom fetch me to school. First period was physics. physics was boring~ Almost slept. Then it was E maths. E math done questions then bell ring. soo darn fast man. Time flies. then it was POA. Done double entry then went for recess! Ate chicken rice. Thanks cuz for the cut queue. =X
After recess was CME! CME was okay. Just that made teacher pissed off again. Then was hum! Hum was fun. Keep di xiao TJ. Haha. Then it was chinese then my hell began. Pissed me off man! damn make my mood bad for the whole day. bloody hell. Du lan. Then it was tc. TC piss me off even more. cb. knn. After that, Everybody waited for me because i had Councilling. Thanks guys.
After councilling, went for lunch at amk hub. I cut my hair. soo freaking short la. damn... i dun wan go school tomorrow.T.T nvm.... Then went home and went out for dinner. Ate nun, SOO NICE! but verii feelling. Ate too much. hais.... Tomorrow have CCA leh... i dun go!! no choice... Slping soon G night!
Monday, February 23, 2009
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Today was quite boring though. Nothing interesting happened.Onli that my mother came back yesterday night. She was in Beijing for 5 days. Still winter there. cool man.
Woke up, went out to have breakfast. My mother said she will bu a itouch for me sia. but i dunno whether she really considering or making me happy only. She always change her mind in the end. hais... but nvm. Still can leave without it.
Slacked at home until 3.45 then went to swimming. Did not swim for 1 week. swim ten lap onli my arm abit tired already. The results of not swimming for a week. wth...
Went home slacked again. My relatives came over to have dinner with us. Chatted downstairs then they went home.
Today was quite boring though but the worse thing is that tomorrow have school! Shitz... hais. Wish me good luck. ^^
Sunday, February 22, 2009
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Love Story
Today woke up at 6.30! soo early... i verii tired... damn.... cannot take it liao... i nid my bed. Shit discipline check coming again.... i dun wan cut hair.... soo ma fan... damn... nvm siam abit. First period POA. Felt sleepy though. Second period was HUM! hum was okay didnt felt sleepy during Hum. surprisingly.Then was eng. As usual, got scolded by ms chye again.
Then it was recess, Then it was A math. A math i FAILED MY CT!!! DAMN!!! i wanna cry liao. i study the most for that sub and failed.... T.T 16/40. Then it was english again. Then on the way to eng class, shawn go grab me for 5 mins then tio gan by teacher again. wa liao... pissed... Then it was E math! E math was great! nothing happen though but we stayed back to help copy notes for friends.
After school, went for ipp briefing... i thought it will take like a few hours but then end in like 10 mins? o.o damn...! Make me plan soo long for nothing... then waited for andre CLB for 1 hour. during that i was doing homework with the lion dance ppl practising. i cant believe i am able to do finish my homework la. My ear drums almost burst... Then Andre, justin and me went to take bus.
Then met up with Hui ru and Adeline, Hui ru dont be depressed la. Cheer up! :D Then we went over to Long John Silver to have lunch. Thanks everyone for the food! haha. especially justin and hui ru. kept giving me food. Thanks. ^^ Then bid farewell to everyone and went to hub and took bus home.
After that, i lost track of time then forgot that i have to meet Andre, joling, Hx for tuition. my fault. Went for tuition then went home sleep. this few days i cant get enough slp must slp early!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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Happy Valentine's day!

Pepsi Ice KaChang!

Today woke up at 9 and waited for iris teacher untill 10.10am. Tuition-ed until 12.10 . Changed and took a cab with iris teacher to cousin's house. At cousin's house we made the bouquet. Damn difficult to do sia. We took 3 hours to do that thing la! Hui Wen, Hui Xuan , Hui Ru( Onli cut tape for us) and ME. Then went over to hub with hui wen and hui ru, carried the thing to Mrt. Soo awkward. haha. Bought bread went to meet TJ and Dan. After met joling, Adeline, KH, Gopi and Sang Woon.
We head over to taka and meet Hui Xuan,Amanda, Andre and Gloria. We slacked until 6 and then went to Seoul Gardens! :D At seoul gardens, 2 people went home and 11 people ate seoul gardens. We pissed the staffs man. seriously. We were damn ps. The total amount was $300.60!!! WTF!!!! SOO EX!!!! bloody hell. we did not had enough money then everybody tried their best to come out money. Thanks TJ, Gloria and those who gave extra money. i onli paid 10 sia. ps....
During dinner, bloody hell TJ make everyone wan to puke their food out la!! keep making us laugh. Thanks TJ for showing us the art of eating vegetable like a cow. HAHAHA!!! He kept forcing gloria to eat vegetables. lol. haha. then we Watched a drama show at seoul gardens and our narrator,TJ, made it even better. Bloody hell couldnt stop laughing... Stupid TJ and his love for beef and vegetables.TJ paid all his savings sia!! cannot cannot. must pay back. HAHA!!! but the atmosphere was great. Thanks TJ once again.^^
After dinner, bid farewell then went to 2c with hui ru. Took Mrt to DOUBY GHAUT and then to kovan. journey was long... hais... then over to 2c watch some shows and went home. Today verii tiring sia. I need my sleep!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
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Today, Only had one chinese period. my bag was soo light. shiok ar! Went to school, then assembled. First period was CT. Bloody hell. A math was fcuking hard la.... couldnt do finish. sadded. Fail liao. buang....
After CT was SL. SL TJ pang seh us go to other team then came back and emo. HAHAHA!!! played audrey's soduko. Couldnt do finish within one period. noob. at the end spoil by audrey... hais.. nvm then was recess. everybody was buying roses. hahah soo funny.
After recess was CME. Surprisingly, i was not scolded by ms chye for not bringing my excercise book. But she asked garnesh to buy exercise book haha.
Then it was assembly, the topic was total defence. While they were talking i was learning how to fold rose! haha soo fun! Then after that, it was chinese. Then i went to amk hub with astley and dre. then went to popular to buy materials. After that, came back home and waited for andre to come then we started on our " project". Went to tution came back home and do homework. damn sian ar!
Friday, February 13, 2009
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A night to remember!

Today woke, changed and went to school. First period was EL. Owed Ms Chye homework. haha. sry... After that was PE, PE's atmosphere was moody.... not fun at all. Actually, see dan, drey and bern, soo poor thing but couldnt do anything. Sry!!
Then it was recess, TJ soo moody. Wa liao eh. But then dan soo good buy things for him.HAHA!After recess was, EL again. Then dan tell me story! woo! HAHA!! Dan tio dao by Amanda. HAHA!! light blue!!After that was CL! CL tio scolded by teacher for not wearing uniform. Bloody hell.... hais... nvm...After that was POA. teacher talk talk talk i dun understand a thing la!! hais.... after that was e math. half of the class go health screening. tomorrow my turn liao. yipee. After school met TJ, Dan , joyce, gloria, Joling and adeline then went up to shine center Chat from 1 plus to 4! cool sia! but got do homework la.Met andre and then waited for adeline and Dan.
After that we went to amk hub for Lunch. soo hungry. Then went to food court and eat and laugh, laugh , laugh and laugh the whole way. all because of joyce and dan la. make everybody laugh. idiots... i laugh until my head pain. then somemore adeline still eat soo slow... wa liao eh. wait for her can die man. After bid everybody farewell and then me and dre went to buy new mouse for my com. 15 dollars! budget.... muahahah...
i went home to change then went for tuition. met jerome dre and wei sia there. wah... wei sia there for 6 hours sia. guai kia. hahah. Done a math until 8 30 ate dinner until 9 15 and went home. Fetched wei sia home. Anyway thanks wei sia. haha. ^^ TOMORROW STILL GOT SS PLUS ONE TEST SIA!!! argh!!! gotta slp liao. bye!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Dreams do come true.

Yoz! Today i woke up. i thought got PE sia. heng ar. Never wear PE clothes. but then today woke up verii early sia. Early than normal. Was giddy... Today first period was E math. E math got new stuff to learn. My brain going to burst soon. STRESS!! nvm perseverance... Was scolded by teacher for talking too much. Damn....
Then was chem! Today collected test papers I got 11/20 for my test!! PASSED!!! Didnt study much still can pass. WOO! heng ar... While we was copying notes. TJ kept Di xiao teacher. Teacher wanted to pull his ear but couldnt. he like mouse like that. Fast.... But teacher also am chio lor. SOO FUNNY.
After chem was recess, stupid jerome tried to cut queue but then me and andre pushed him out. Vigorous... After recess, was EL. After EL, was Chem again. Then it was A math, I GOT 19/20 for my class test the last mark fly away because of careless mistake. Shit i lost again.... damn.
Then it was physics. nothing to do so took pic of mr foo and the class. soo fun.
After school was CCA. verii boring. i slept in the briefing. Then later the marching was dragged from 6 to 615. bloody hell. waste my time sia. i got tuition one leh. Called iris teacher but at the end it was cancelled due to time and weather conditions. sry.... cancelled 2 times liao leh. shitz man. After CCA, Jerome had to look for my chiang to get back andre's phone.HAHA have to write letter and talk to mr chiang for 15 mins. Jerome's mother fetched me home! soo kind thanks aunty. I still got homework to do. GTG!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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Today woke up at 9.15 pm. Bathed and tried to fix my blog problem but couldnt. Left house at 10 40pm.Went to hub to meet TJ, TJ was late lah. made me wait for 10 mins. but nvm. then later went to jubilee's popular to find the bottle for stars!! HAHAHA!!We met Adeline. TJ say adeline late but he also late.Tupid.WE TOOK 15 MIN TO CHOOSE A BOTTLE SIA! Then when we were choosing bottles we saw Chancery and Kit Yee said hi then went to pay for the items.
After that, DAN say he gonna be late so we went to play Zone X. I had some money left in my card so TJ and I played basketball. Then top up more then me and TJ compete. I lost. shitz man. hais.... then we top up more and play Daytona! i won! YAY!! 1st! TJ 2nd! adeline last.... MUAHAHAH!!! After that we top up more and played the bang bang game. I won them. but played against myself i lost. wth.
After that met dan, went to Macs to fold stars. Adeline and dan buy meal. me and thiam jie folding stars then i koped their cue mo fries. haha thx ar. After that, everybody was folding stars. then dan kept saying light blue light blue. Adeline went crazy and kept asking him wats light blue wats light blue. HAHAHA!!! Kept torturing her!!! HAHAHA... light blue.... hahah!! it is a colour...dude. After that Gloria came and join us. then we continued folding stars and chatted. after that we part with adeline and gloria and went for toa payoh safra. On the way that we kept talking about martial arts. Lols. interesting topic.
We went to play pool. Dan say 1st time play. bluff me.... idiot. then later dan and TJ play damn funny. They kept laughing but i dunno wat they laughing about because i concentrated in using dan's phone. After that played a few more games then stop playing. after that, we went to popular but too much people cannot buy star paper. Then we took 73 home.Went home and then off to swimming again. No time to use com. sianz... after swimming went to Ah Ma house to have dinner. then went home. I havent bathe since this afternoon sia. wth... uncomfortable. Currently having headaches going to slp soon.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
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Turn on the tune!
Today woke up, went to school. Had to hand up Hum homework so i went with Reroy. Then i realised i forgot to bring my file! bloody hell. Du Lan lor. Okay nvm better still last night do hum homework and and study chem half i slept! Shitz. But i then i think nvm morning study the rest. but then leh nvr bring file. ARGH!!! Test fail liao. Somemore some people tell me test on chem onli but then in the morning come out phy paper. Even more du lan.
Common Test. pissed teacher off abit la. then went for PE relief. Kind Mrs Lee gave me until monday to hand up the homework. heng ar.... then got lecture from her and went to recess. Recess ate noodles no fried rice. T.T hais... After recess went for A math got class test but nvr heard from anyone. Nvm.
After that, PC period had fun but Ms Chye was unhappy because the class soo noisy. =x hahaha!
Arm wrestled with Amrin, Reroy and TJ. ALL LOSE. o.o omg! i am weak! hais.... but Sang woon beat TJ. hahaha!Then it was e math. had peer tutoring. the whole worksheet dunno quite a few questions but indonesia friends, Hui Xuan and Joyce. thank you. ^^
After that went to hub, with TJ andre and astley. after eating lunch TJ forgot hui ru's present.
Then he went back to school. Me, Astley and andre went popular. Astley no paper to test pen write on andre. smart sia. hahahah! After that went home got changed and went to andre house again. Actually, wanted to go cycling but then raining. Then wanted to go Far East but then slack at andre house dun wan go out. Wasted time!hahaha!
slacked until 6. Set off for Novena Square to find andre's jet lighter. i also wan see how hot it is sia.HAHAHA! can melt coin leh. dun play play. At the end couldnt find then went to buy food and went to bean. Done Log until 8 30 my brother and sis came. played arm wrestling then chatted and went home.
Tomorrow still nid to meet TJ and Dan! still waiting for TJ's call.... soo long. hais... nvm. Gotta bathe soon.
Friday, February 6, 2009
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Woo today just came back from batam. Soo fun luh... I arrived at batam on saturday. picked up by our cousins and Mr Ng. We got through custom like some vip like that. soo cool la. We went back to the resort, settled down. Then me and siang went to play pool. While playing, mr ng caught us and brought us to the bus with everyone and we went to buy fireworks.
We bought 100 dollars worth of fireworks sia. crazy one. After that went to shop around at the super mart. everything there was freaking cheap. i can buy 2 packets of FOX with 2 dollars. soo cheap. Then we went nearby food court to have dinner then went back. We played fire works, very fun. We created our own national day. soo fun. After that went back to room to wash up then chat for awhile and went to slp!
Next day, eat breakfast, went fishing, ate ice cream, ate seafood lunch and played cards, played baskeball, head back to singapore.Then took train back to serangoon. We washed up. Then went over to Ah Ma's house to lou hei! After dinner, played black jack. Won about 2 dollars onli. hahaha. at least something. my aunt won 20 dollars. siao one.Came home packed bag.TOMORROW GOT CAMP!! gotta sleep soon. Will upload pics after camp.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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