Woke up changed and went to school. First period was english. we had relieve, Me, Dan , fish and audrey walk around school finding the other english classes. Then went back to relieve room played psp, slacked and went for PE. PE we did hockey. Teacher half way explaining hockey suddenly he call us go run round the field. Dunno who cause one. idiot. Went up to hall to avoid the rain, halfway through the explaining my knees soo pain. Borrowed knee guards from TJ. help abit la. HAHA!!!
Then it was a math. Next, was recess. After that went to POA class then started slacking. Joling wanted to pass a sweet to Joyce then i blocked and it hit joyce head. Soo funny lor. AAHAHAHA!!
Then it was Chinese. Chinese almost slept then it was Hum. Hum was a funny lesson. Sang woon and his Han river. Then accidentally hit Fish with a paper ball. hahaha. miscue. sry lahs.... aHAHAHA!!
AFter school, went for CCA today my leg pain and jerome hand pain so we slacked and help out with the messy room. Then the stupid MAMA jiao bin keep whacking me with a stick. damn it. pain leh. tmd. ACtually she came quietly, not very violent then later jerome go bring her old self back. See anyone onli hit. poor things. Then slacked for 2 hours , watched Chinese and Indian dance preparing for SYF. soo fun. then later end CCA at 6 15.
bid farewell to Jerome and royce then me and dre went to hub and saw Winfred, amrin, Mus and alten. played around, bought bubble tea and went home. stupid bus took half an hour to come. damn du lan. Damn... came home bathe, eat dinner then blogged. Gotta do homework soon.


Nicer view of city!

Everybody soo guaii listen to the guyy. HAHAHA!!!

Today time went pass quite fast. First period was Phy.Then it was chinese. Then it was Chem. Chem we had relieve. A few of us had early recess. Then when to watch basketball, then suddenly Ms Heng came in. Me and TJ had drinks and snack with us la! then we quickly took them and zhao. Went back to relieve room to do homework.
After relieve, we had second round of recess. Then went got Hum. then went for EL and finally A math. We left a math class at 1 15 met at G.O at 1 45. then went to Marina Barage. SOO BIG la. veryy the nice. We played around in the museum. Then went to the roof to take some pics. Alot nice views of the city. we took alot alot of pics. Soo fun. we made it our play ground. HAHA!!!!
Then when back to school. Met hui ru then went to hub for " lunch". after that we felt sian and we went home. HAHAHA!! FUN FUN FUN FUN DAY. WOO!! Tomorrow got school and i cant get my cyber bullying thing working. damn. need help. okay CYAS
Staying Awake.

This morning woke up. My neck was painful. Slept in a awkward position last night. Damn irritating. Woke up at about 10am. Damn late. couldn't wake up. My tuition was at 11 la. Ate breakfast and changed and went for tuition.
After tuition, went for swimming. Swimming was tough today. Done all sort of strokes. Free style, frog style, butterfly and blah blah blah. My arm was aching like fork. hais... results for not swimming for 2 weeks. damn. haha!
After that, went home, slacked infront of the com for 2 hours. When i was playing com. my cousin bugged me on msn. Damn irritating. then my grandparents came over for dinner together with my aunt and cousins. Ate dinner, watched pacifier. Then blog. Tomorrow got school again. Shitz. holidays are over, time flies. Had camp for like 3 days. totally ruin my holidays. shit man. haha.
Guardian Angel.
Today woke up at 8. Lie there like a retard for 15mins. Then went to bathe and went to meet hui ru at her house! Ate breakfast in the car. Met hui ru, hui wen and uncle. then went over to Hub to meet TJ! Ate macs with TJ. Saw peoples. Then took bus to vivo. 1 hour ride. cool man. met cue cue moh moh on the bus then went to vivo.
At vivo, astley suddenly appear. then over to Long John to have lunch. then joked around. Went to look look see see. Saw BOSE headphones and protable speakers. woo. shiok man. i wan ipod!!! damn. And andre sucks. Then we went to watch Marley and me. Funny and touching.
Then went over to safra to play pool. HAHA! i almost made us lost though. i too smart already. hais... Played pool for awhile then went home. i now going to bathe liao.
Today woke up. my chest was still f***ing pain la. bloody hell. First period was EL. done vocabs chatted abit. then went for PE. played rounders. had fun.Then went for A maths. Mr mathardam threw me, TJ, bernice ,Audrey and klarice out of class to get a letter. Atikah went with us too. Ran around sch found a letter and then went back to A math class.
Went to recess, got a surprised birthday cake from Audrey, bernice and klarice. My birthday was nice man! was pinned down by Tj and kai chong. Zul was feeding me the cake. And i was sprayed with mayo! woo! i went to bathe in the toilet. Thanks danial for lending me his PE shirt! haha memorable birthday ever. We created a big commotion in the canteen. damn...
After recess, was POA. Then was CL. Then was HUM! after school, cip was cancelled so i met andre, amanda, christine, hui xuan,joling, audrey ,bernice and TJ outisde GO then went to hub! parted with audrey and bernice then went to fourth level to meet ericia then went nebo cafe to eat. My chest was still pain at that moment and i ate the cheese fries in agony. shitz the pain!
chatted untill untill about 5pm then parted with joling and amanda. then continued chatting until 5.30pm then went to food court to get fruits. went to 1st floor then went back to food court to get more fruits then bid the people farewell and head home.
Went home, ate dinner then got a cake from my family. ate cakes chatted. Feeling very slppy now. dun think tomorrow will be going to school. MC. haha. take cares.
Buh- bye
Thanks Huiling, Yu Hui, Jamie and Ivy for the presents! ^^
Thanks Adeline for the birthday card!^^
Thanks Jill for the birthday card. TT
Thanks melissa for the birthday card
And finally thanks evveryone for the wishes! ^^ Thanks alot!